In addition to manufacturing industrial enclosures and technology cabinets, we now also design and build battery storage enclosures.
In addition to manufacturing industrial enclosures and technology cabinets, we now also design and build battery storage enclosures.
Noise, whether constant or intermittent, is source of stress for both people and animals. Many of our enclosures are used in built-up areas, so we’ve worked hard over the years to nail sound attenuation.
We know when we’re on to a good thing, so when we find a supplier where the product and service is good, we hang on to them.
Like most UK manufacturers over the past year we could not be certain as to how Brexit would impact our work. However, over the summer we started to notice an uptake in enquires from UK customers looking for local suppliers.
People sit at the heart of Amcanu, a company committed to delivering high quality solutions to global customers in a flexible and diversified manner.
There's a lot happening at Amcanu
- but we're never too busy to receive new enquiries.
01554 833 358